Row, Column, StringColumn

Row, Column, StringColumn

Row Class

The Row class represents a single row of data in a table.


  • getString(columnName: String): String - Returns a string value from the specified column.

var stringValueByName = row.getString("ColumnName");
  • getString(columnIndex: Integer): String - Returns a string value from the column at the specified index.

var stringValueByIndex = row.getString(columnIndex);
  • rowHash(): Integer - Returns a hash value for the row.

var rowHashValue = row.rowHash();
  • toString(): String - Converts the row to a string.

var rowAsString = selectedRow.toString();

Column Class

The Column class represents a single column of data in a table.


  • title(): String - Returns the title or name of the column.

var columnTitle = column.title();
  • name(): String - Returns the name of the column.

var columnName =;
  • size(): Integer - Returns the number of items in the column.

  • get(rowIndex: Integer): any - Returns the data value at the specified row index.

  • isEmpty(): Boolean - Checks if the column is empty.

var isEmpty = column.isEmpty();
  • print(): String - Converts the column to a string for printing.'

  • contains(object: any): Boolean - Checks if the column contains a specific object.

  • type(): any - Returns the data type of the column.

  • sortAscending() - Sorts the column in ascending order.

  • sortDescending() - Sorts the column in descending order.


StringColumn Class

The StringColumn class represents a column of string values and provides various methods for string-specific operations.


equalToIgnoringCase(str: String): Selection

This method is used to filter the selection based on a case-insensitive comparison with the provided string (str). It selects rows in which the values in the column match the specified string while ignoring case differences.

startsWith(str: String): Selection

The startsWith method is used to filter the selection, returning rows where the values in the column start with the provided string (str).

endsWith(str: String): Selection

This method is employed to filter the selection, returning rows where the values in the column end with the specified string (str).

contains(str: String): Selection

The contains method filters the selection to include rows where the column values contain the given string (str).

matchesRegex(str: String): Selection

This method allows you to filter the selection using a regular expression. It selects rows where the column values match the provided regular expression string (str).

isEmpty(): Selection

The isEmpty method is used to filter the selection to include rows where the column values are empty or null.

isAlpha(): Selection

This method filters the selection to include rows where the column values consist of alphabetic characters only, excluding digits and special characters.

isNumeric(): Selection

The isNumeric method selects rows where the column values are numeric, consisting of digits and optional decimal points.

isAlphaNumeric(): Selection

This method is used to filter the selection to include rows where the column values contain both alphabetic characters and digits.

isUpperCase(): Selection

The isUpperCase method selects rows where the column values consist of uppercase letters only.

isLowerCase(): Selection

This method is used to filter the selection to include rows where the column values consist of lowercase letters only.

hasLengthEqualTo(lengthChars: Integer): Selection

The hasLengthEqualTo method filters the selection to include rows where the column values have a length equal to the specified lengthChars.

hasLengthLessThan(lengthChars: Integer): Selection

This method selects rows where the length of the column values is less than the specified lengthChars.

hasLengthGreaterThan(lengthChars: Integer): Selection

The hasLengthGreaterThan method is used to filter the selection to include rows where the length of the column values is greater than the specified lengthChars.

These methods provide a variety of ways to filter and manipulate data in a StringColumn, allowing you to tailor your selections based on specific criteria and conditions.

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