
LocalDateUtil provides utility methods for working with LocalDate objects. It includes methods for parsing, and extracting various date components.


parseDate(dateStr: String, format: String): LocalDate

  • Parses a date string using a custom format and returns a LocalDate object.

  • Parameters:

    • dateStr (type: String) - The date string to parse.

    • format (type: String) - The custom date format pattern used for parsing.

  • Returns:

    • A LocalDate object representing the parsed date.

var dateStr = "2023-11-07";
var format = "yyyy-MM-dd";
var parsedDate = LocalDateUtil.parseDate(dateStr, format);

formatDate(date: LocalDate, format: String): LocalDate

  • Parses a date Formats a LocalDate object as a string using the specified format.

  • Parameters:

    • date (type: LocalDate) - The LocalDate object to be formatted.

    • format (type: String) - The custom date format pattern used for formatting.

  • Returns:

    • A String representing the formatted date.

var dateTime = LocalDateTime.now();
var format = "yyyy-MM-dd";
var formattedDate = LocalDateUtil.formatDate(dateTime, format);

getYear(date: LocalDateTime): Integer

  • Retrieves the year component of a LocalDateTime object.

  • Parameters:

    • date (type: LocalDateTime) - The LocalDateTime object from which to extract the year.

  • Returns:

    • An integer representing the year component.

var dateTime = LocalDateTime.now();
var year = LocalDateUtil.getYear(dateTime);

getDayOfYear(date: LocalDate): Integer

  • Retrieves the day of the year component of a LocalDate object.

  • Parameters:

    • date (type: LocalDate) - The LocalDate object from which to extract the day of the year.

  • Returns:

    • An integer representing the day of the year.

var date = LocalDate.now();
var dayOfYear = LocalDateUtil.getDayOfYear(date);

getMonthName(date: LocalDate): String

  • Retrieves the name of the month for a LocalDate object.

  • Parameters:

    • date (type: LocalDate) - The LocalDate object from which to extract the month name.

  • Returns:

    • A string representing the name of the month.

var date = LocalDate.now();
var monthName = LocalDateUtil.getMonthName(date);

getMonth(date: LocalDate): Integer

  • Retrieves the month component of a LocalDate object.

  • Parameters:

    • date (type: LocalDate) - The LocalDate object from which to extract the month.

  • Returns:

    • An integer representing the month.

var date = LocalDate.now();
var month = LocalDateUtil.getMonth(date);

getDayOfWeek(date: LocalDate): String

  • Retrieves the day of the week for a LocalDate object.

  • Parameters:

    • date (type: LocalDate) - The LocalDate object from which to extract the day of the week.

  • Returns:

    • A string representing the day of the week.

var customDate = LocalDate.of(2023, 10, 24);
return LocalDateUtil.getDayOfWeek(customDate); // TUESDAY

getDayOfMonth(date: LocalDate): Integer

  • Retrieves the day of the month component of a LocalDate object.

  • Parameters:

    • date (type: LocalDate) - The LocalDate object from which to extract the day of the month.

  • Returns:

    • An integer representing the day of the month.

var date = LocalDate.now();
var dayOfMonth = LocalDateUtil.getDayOfMonth(date);

These methods provide various operations to work with LocalDate objects, including parsing date strings, and extracting individual date components.

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