Context Class

Learn how to access various runtime context information.

The Context class provides access to various runtime context information, allowing you to interact with the environment and retrieve essential data. Using this class, you can access the current running execution.

Note: Context Class will not be available when workflow is stopped.


static getIteration(): Long

Returns the iteration number of the current execution as a Long.

Context.getIteration(); // returns iteration number

static getNodeId(): String

Use this method to retrieve the unique node identifier as a String.

Context.NodeId(); // returns ID of current node

static getStartedBy(): JsonNode

Returns the data associated with the user user who started the workflow.

Context.getStartedBy(); // returns JSON object

static getCreatedBy(): JsonNode

Returns the data associated with the user who created the workflow.

Context.getCreatedBy(); // returns JSON object

static environment(): String

This method returns the environment in which the workflow is executed, such as "development" or "production."


static isProd(): Boolean

Use this method to determine if the current environment is "production." It returns true if the script is running in a production environment; otherwise, it returns false.

Context.isProd(); // returns boolean

static isDev(): Boolean

Similarly, you can check if the current environment is "development" using this method. It returns true for development environments and false otherwise.

Context.isDev(); // returns boolean

static configs(): JsonNode

This method provides access to configuration data in the form of a JSON node. You can use it to retrieve and manipulate configuration settings.

Context.configs(); // returns JSON object

static stats(): JsonNode

Returns statistical data in the form of a JSON node, allowing you to access execution statistics.

Context.stats(); // returns JSON object

static getExecutionId(): String

Retrieve the execution ID as a String. This can be useful for tracking and logging purposes.


static getName(): String

Obtain the name associated with the execution context as a String. This may be a human-readable identifier or a descriptive name for the execution context.


The Context class empowers your custom scripts to access critical information about the runtime environment and the current execution context, making it a valuable tool for building versatile and context-aware applications.


Example: Accessing Runtime Context Information.

// Check the current environment
var isProduction = Context.isProd();
var isDevelopment = Context.isDev();

var environmentStatus = "Current Environment: ";
if (isProduction) {
    environmentStatus += "Production";
} else if (isDevelopment) {
    environmentStatus += "Development";
} else {
    environmentStatus += "Unknown";

// Get information about the execution
var executionId = Context.getExecutionId();
var executionName = Context.getName();

// Display the collected information
var executionInfo = "Execution ID: " + executionId + "\nExecution Name: " 
                                     + executionName;
var contextInfo = environmentStatus + "\n\n" + executionInfo;

return contextInfo;

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