
Configs Class

The Configs class is a configuration class that holds various settings and parameters for your application. These settings can be used to control different aspects of your application's behavior.

Class Methods are divided into the following categories:

Logging Configuration

Log Level

Returns the log level for controlling the verbosity of log messages.

// Accessing the log level
var logLevel = Configs.logLevel;
return "Current log level:" + logLevel;
// value = INFO

/* Current log level: WorkFlowConfigItem(group=GENERAL, needsRestart=true,
             value=INFO, revision=1, changedInProd=false, 
            updated=2023-09-13T13:11:39.571122Z, updatedBy=)

Log Pattern (To be implemented)

  • Field: logPattern

  • Type: String

  • Description: A string pattern for formatting log messages.

// Some code

Date and Time Configuration

Date Format

  • Field: dateFormat

  • Type: String

  • Description: The date format used in your application.

// Accessing the date format in string value
var dateformat = Configs.dateFormat;
return "date format :" + dateformat;
// value = yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

/* WorkFlowConfigItem(group=GENERAL, needsRestart=false, value=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, 
                revision=1, changedInProd=false, 
                updated=2023-10-31T13:26:17.472188200Z, updatedBy=)

Date Time Zone

  • Field: dateTimeZone

  • Type: String

  • Description: The time zone for date and time operations.

// Accessing the log level
var datetimezone = Configs.dateTimeZone;
return "Date-Time Zone:" + datetimezone ;
// value = Asia/Jerusalem

/* Date-Time Zone: WorkFlowConfigItem(group=GENERAL, needsRestart=false, 
                value=Asia/Jerusalem, revision=1, changedInProd=false, 
                updated=2023-09-13T13:11:39.571122Z, updatedBy=)

Compiler Configuration

Compiler Cache

  • Field: compilerCache

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: Compiler cache settings.

// Accessing the compiler Cache value as Integer
var cache = Configs.compilerCache;
return "cache:" + cache;
// value = 256

/* cache: WorkFlowConfigItem(group=COMPILER, needsRestart=true, 
                value=256, revision=2, changedInProd=false, 
                updated=2023-09-13T13:11:39.586737Z, updatedBy=)

Compiler Debug

  • Field: compilerDebug

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: Compiler debug settings.

// Accessing the Compiler debug value as integer
var debug = Configs.compilerDebug;
return "debug:" + debug;
// value=true
/* :WorkFlowConfigItem(group=COMPILER, needsRestart=true, value=true, 
                revision=1, changedInProd=false, 
                updated=2023-10-31T13:26:17.472188200Z, updatedBy=)

Compiler Safety

  • Field: compilerSafe

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: Compiler safety settings.

// Accessing the Compiler safe value as integer
var safe = Configs.compilerSafe;
return "safe :" + safe ;
// value= true

/* WorkFlowConfigItem(group=COMPILER, needsRestart=true, value=true, 
                revision=1, changedInProd=false, 
                updated=2023-10-31T13:26:17.472188200Z, updatedBy=)

Automatic Cleanup

Auto-Clean Up History

  • Field: autoCleanUpHistory

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: A boolean to enable automatic cleanup of historical data.

// Accessing the log level
var bool = Configs.autoCleanUpHistory;
return " " + bool ;
// value = true

/* WorkFlowConfigItem(group=CLEANUP, needsRestart=false, value=true, revision=2, 
        changedInProd=false, updated=2023-09-13T13:11:39.586737Z, updatedBy=)

Auto-Clean Up Limit

  • Field: autoCleanUpLimit

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The limit for automatic cleanup.

// Accessing the log level
var limit = Configs.autoCleanUpLimit;
return "limit:" + limit;
// value = 0

/* limit:WorkFlowConfigItem(group=CLEANUP, needsRestart=false, value=0, 
                revision=1, changedInProd=false, 
                updated=2023-09-13T13:11:39.571122Z, updatedBy=)

Thread Pool Configuration

ExecutionIteration Pool (To be implemented)

  • Core Pool Size: executionCorePoolSize

  • Maximum Pool Size: executionMaximumPoolSize

  • Keep-Alive Time: executionKeepAliveTime

// Some code

Trigger Handling (To be implemented)

  • Core Pool Size: triggersCorePoolSize

  • Maximum Pool Size: triggersMaximumPoolSize

  • Keep-Alive Time: triggersKeepAliveTime

// Some code

Retry Handling

Immediate Retry (To be implemented)

  • Threads Count: immediateRetryPoolThreadsCount

// Some code

Scheduled Retry (To be implemented)

  • Threads Count: scheduledRetryPoolThreadsCount

// Some code

Timeout Configuration

Timeout Scheduler (To be implemented)

  • Threads Count: timeoutSchedulerPoolThreadsCount

// Some code

Storage Configuration

Memory-Mapped Storage (To be implemented)

  • Field: storageMmapEnabled

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: A boolean to enable/disable memory-mapped storage.

// Some code

Pre-Clear Disable (To be implemented)

  • Field: storagePreClearDisable

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: A boolean to disable pre-clearing storage.

// Some code

Close on JVM Shutdown (To be implemented)

  • Field: storageCloseOnJvmShutdown

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: A boolean to control whether storage is closed on JVM shutdown.

// Some code

Checksum Header Bypass (To be implemented)

  • Field: storageChecksumHeaderBypass

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: A boolean to bypass checksum headers.

// Some code

Enable Transactions (To be implemented)

  • Field: storageEnableTransactions

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: A boolean to enable transactions for storage.

// Some code

File Lock Wait (To be implemented)

  • Field: storageFileLockWait

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: Wait time for file locking.

// Some code

Notes (To be implemented)

A string to store notes or additional information.

// Some code