Retrieving Currency Exchange Rate Data in Tabular format
Script Source (Table)
First, in the Script Source (Table) node, we retrieve data from an external API and return it in tabular format to the following node.
var request = HttpUtil.get("");
var jsonContent = JsonUtil.parse(request.asString().getBody());
var exchanges = jsonContent.exchangeRates;
var table = SuiteTable.create("MyTable"); // create table
SuiteTable.addStringColumn(table, "key"); // add columns
SuiteTable.addDoubleColumn(table, "rate");
SuiteTable.addStringColumn(table, "lastUpdate");
for (var i = 0; i < exchanges.size(); i++) { // iterate over array and add Row
var item = exchanges[i];
var key = item.key.asText();
var rate = item.currentExchangeRate.asDouble();
var date = item.lastUpdate.asText();
var row = { "key": key, "rate": rate, "lastUpdate": date
SuiteTable.addRow(table, row);
return table;
Custom Script
Next, we can connect the source script node to custom script node. It receives the table and returns it as it is. In the node itself though, we perform some calculations to set some properties for future use.
// Get a copy of the table reference from the previous node
var table = NodeInputReader.inputAsDataFrame();
//Get a new table sorted by the second column descendant (highest to lowest rates)
table = table.sortOn(-1);
//Get the values of the second column from the first row (Index 0, highest rate)
var maxcurr = table.column(0).get(0); // key
var maxvalue = table.column(1).get(0); // rate"maxcurr", maxcurr); // max currency name"maxvalue", maxvalue); // max currency value
return table;
Under properties tab in the Custom Script Node we create the following properties:
var table = NodeInputReader.inputAsDataFrame();
//Get the value of the first column from the first row (USD rate)
var maxValue = table.column(1).get(0);
var table = NodeInputReader.inputAsDataFrame();
//Get the values of the 4th column from the first row (EUR rate)
var maxValue = table.column(1).get(3);
Data Prep
Next, the custom script node sends the table to data prep node in tabular format.
Unfortunately, the table we received contains dates with terrible format such as
We can use custom column to write a script for a new column with better date format.
// Parse the datetime string into an Instant
var instant = Instant.parse(lastupdate);
// Get the year, month and day components from the Instant
var year = InstantUtil.getYear(instant);
var month = InstantUtil.getMonth(instant);
var day = InstantUtil.getDayOfMonth(instant);
// Create a LocalDate object using the extracted year, month, and day
var localDate = LocalDate.of(year, month, day);
Now we have a new date column which displays the date in a clearer format.
Excel Builder
Next, we can connect the data prep node to excel builder node to get the table in excel format.
Send Email
Lastly, we can use the Send Email node to send an email at the end of our workflow with the excel file as an attachment and the following body:
${DATE} currency exchange rates:
Max is ${MAXCURR} at ${MAXVALUE}
Have great day!
Here we used the properties we defined earlier as global properties:
Extra: Scheduler
We can also set a scheduler to run this workflow on a daily basis and receive this email with up-to-date info about currency exchange rates with the following CRON expression