
SuiteTable provides utility methods for managing and manipulating tables and columns using Tablesaw Framework.

Steps of Creating a Table:

  1. Create Table: use SuiteTable's create method: SuiteTable.create("tablename")

  2. Define Columns: use SuiteTable's add<DataType>Column to add columns to Table

SuiteTable.add<DataType>Column(table, "columnName")

  1. Define Rows as maps: var row = { "column1": "field1", "column2": "field2" }

  2. Add Rows to Table: use SuiteTable's addRow method: SuiteTable.addRow(table, row);

// create a new table
var table = SuiteTable.create("MyTable");

// add columns to table
SuiteTable.addStringColumn(table, "Name");
SuiteTable.addIntColumn(table, "age");
SuiteTable.addInstantColumn(table, "joined");
SuiteTable.addDateTimeColumn(table, "birthday");
SuiteTable.addBooleanColumn(table, "customer");

// define two rows
var row1 = {
  "Name": "tony",
  "age": 20,
  "customer": true

var row2 = {
  "Name" : "Mark",
  "age": 20,
  "joined": Instant.parse("2023-10-20T12:00:00Z"),
  "birthday": LocalDate.of(2023, 10, 24),
  "customer": false

// add rows to table
SuiteTable.addRow(table, row1);
SuiteTable.addRow(table, row2);

return table;

Adding Columns

Adding a column to a table is done with a single methods: add<type>Column.

Note: The columns appear in the table in the order they were added.

ColumnTypes supported: String, Intger, Double, Boolean, Instant, DateTime, Date, Time, and Instant.

addStringColumn(Table table, columnName: String): void

Add a StringColumn with the specified name to a Table instance.


  • columnName (Type: String) - The name of the StringColumn.

  • table (Type: Table) - Instance of Table.


SuiteTable.addStringColumn(table, "Name");

AddIntColumn(columnName: String): void

Add an IntColumn with the specified name to a Table instance.


  • columnName (Type: String) - The name of the IntColumn.

  • table (Type: Table) - Instance of Table.


SuiteTable.addIntColumn(table, "Age");

addDoubleColumn(columnName: String): void

Add a DoubleColumn with the specified name to a Table instance.


  • columnName (Type: String) - The name of the DoubleColumn.

  • table (Type: Table) - Instance of Table.


SuiteTable.addDoubleColumn(table, "GPA");

Similarly for the rest of the ColumnTypes.

Adding Rows

Note: The rows appear in the table in the order they were added.

To add row, you first need to have already created an instance of Class Table and at least one column. Then you can define a row a time as follows: A hashmap with column title and row value

var row = { "column1": value1, 
            "column2": value2, 
            "column3": value3, 

Then, you can add the row to your table using the addRow method:

addRow(Table table, HashMap<String, Object> row): Row

Add a row of data to the table instance and return the row.


  • row (Type: HashMap<String, Object>) - A map representing the data to be added to the row.

  • table (Type: Table) - Instance of Table.


var row1 = { // HashMap
  "Name" : "Mark",
  "age": 20,
  "joined": instant,
  "birthday": datetime,
  "customer": true

SuiteTable.addRow(table, row1);

Table Information

Methods for retreiving table information such as table name, column names, list of rows.

name(): String

Get the name of the table.


  • A String representing the name of the table.


var tableName =;

columnNames(): List<String>

Get the list of column names in the table.


  • A List<String> representing the column names.


var columnNames = table.columnNames();

columnCount(): Integer

Get the number of columns in the table.


  • An Integer representing the total number of columns in the table.


var numofcolumns = table.columnCount();

Note: Replace placeholder content with actual information related to your SuiteTableclass. Feel free to add more details or examples based on your specific use cases.

rowCount(): Integer

Get the number of rows in the table.


  • An Integer representing the total number of rows in the table.


var numofrows= table.rowCount();

Note: Replace placeholder content with actual information related to your SuiteTable class. Feel free to add more details or examples based on your specific use cases.

columnIndex(columnName: String): Integer - Returns the index of a column by name.

var table = SuiteTable.create("MyTable");

SuiteTable.addStringColumn(table, "key"); // column index 0
SuiteTable.addDoubleColumn(table, "rate"); // column index 1
SuiteTable.addStringColumn(table, "lastUpdate"); // column iondex 2

// Specify the column name you want to find the index for
var columnIndex = table.columnIndex("rate");

// Get the index of the column by name
var columnIndex = originalTable.columnIndex(columnNameToFind);

// columnIndex is 1

row(rowIndex: Integer): Row - Returns the Row object at the specified index.

var rowIndex = 3; // Example index
var row = table.row(rowIndex);

where(selection: Selection): Table - Returns a new table containing rows that match the selection criteria.

var selection = table.stringColumn("Name").isEqualTo("Alice");
var filteredTable = table.where(selection);

return filteredTable;
// filteredTable now has one row: Alice: 25

stringColumn(columnIndex: Integer): StringColumn - Returns a StringColumn for the specified column.

// Specify the index of the column for which you want to get a StringColumn
var columnIndex = 3; // Replace with the actual index

// Get the StringColumn for the specified column index
var stringColumn = originalTable.stringColumn(columnIndex);

first(nRows: Integer): Table - Returns a new table containing the first nRows of data.

var first10Rows = table.first(10);

last(nRows: Integer): Table - Returns a new table containing the last nRows of data.

// Specify the number of rows you want to retrieve from the end
var nRows = 5; // Replace with the actual number of rows you need

// Get a new table containing the last nRows of data
var lastTable = originalTable.last(nRows);

inRange(rowStart: Integer, rowEnd: Integer): Table - Returns a new table containing rows within the specified range.

// Specify the range of rows you want to extract
var rowStart = 2; // Replace with the actual starting row index
var rowEnd = 6;   // Replace with the actual ending row index

// Get a new table containing rows within the specified range
var rangeTable = originalTable.inRange(rowStart, rowEnd);

sortOn(columnIndex: Integer): Table - Sorts the table based on the specified column index.

var sortedTable = table.sortOn(columnIndex);

removeColumns(...columnIndex: Integer[]): Table - Removes specified columns from the table.

var columnsToRemove = [1, 3]; // Example column indices to remove
var modifiedTable = table.removeColumns(...columnsToRemove);

emptyCopy(): Table - Returns a table with the same columns but no data.

var emptyCopy = table.emptyCopy();

sampleX(proportion: Double): Table - Returns a table with a sample based on the given proportion.

var proportion = 0.2; // Example proportion
var sampledTable = table.sampleX(proportion);

sampleN(nRows: Integer): Table - Returns a table with a random sample of the specified number of rows.

var numRowsToSample = 5; // Example number of rows to sample
var sampledTable = table.sampleN(numRowsToSample);

summary(): Table - Returns a table containing summary statistics for the columns in the relation.

var summaryTable = table.summary();


// Retrieve exchange rates from the API
var request = HttpUtil.get("");
var jsonContent = JsonUtil.parse(request.asString().getBody());
var exchanges = jsonContent.get('exchangeRates');

// Create a table to store the data
var table = SuiteTable.create("MyTable");
SuiteTable.addStringColumn(table, "key");
SuiteTable.addDoubleColumn(table, "rate");
SuiteTable.addDateTimeColumn(table, "lastUpdate");

// Populate the table with data from the API
for (var i = 0; i < exchanges.size(); i++) {
    var item = exchanges.get(i);
    var key = item.get('key').asText();
    var rate = item.get('currentExchangeRate').asDouble();
    var instant = Instant.parse(item.get('lastUpdate').asText());
    var date = LocalDateTimeUtil.fromInstant(instant);
    var row = {
        "key": key,
        "rate": rate,
        "lastUpdate": date
    SuiteTable.addRow(table, row);

// Filter table with some type of selection
var selection = table.stringColumn("key").isEqualTo("USD"); 
var filteredTable = table.where(selection);

// Return the filtered table
return filteredTable;