Data Structures

Array Literal, List Literal, Set Literal, Map literal


Array Literal

An array is a fixed-size, contiguous memory structure that stores elements of the same type.


A [ followed by zero or more expressions separated by , and ending with ], e.g. [ 1, 2, "three" ]

This syntax creates an Object[].

Empty array literal can be specified as [] with result of creating Object[]

JEXL will attempt to strongly type the array; if all entries are of the same class or if all entries are Number instance, the array literal will be an MyClass[] in the former case, a Number[] in the latter case.

Furthermore, if all entries in the array literal are of the same class and that class has an equivalent primitive type, the array returned will be a primitive array. e.g. [1, 2, 3] will be interpreted as int[].


  • size() -> Integer: Returns the number of elements in the array.

  • get(index: Integer) -> T: Retrieves the element at the specified index and returns it.

  • set(index: Integer, value: T): Sets the value of the element at the given index.


var arr = Integer[]; // create an array of integers

arr = [1,2,3]; // set elements to array

arr.size(); // returns integer (3)
arr.get(1); // returns 2
arr.set(1, 4); // arr is now: [1, 4, 3]

List Literal

A list is a dynamic array-like data structure that can grow or shrink and allows storage of elements of different types.


A [ followed by zero or more expressions separated by , and ending with ,...], e.g. [ 1, 2, "three",...]

This syntax creates an ArrayList<Object>.

Empty list literal can be specified as [...]


  • add(value: T): Adds a new element with the provided value to the array.

  • remove(index: Integer): Removes the element at the specified index.

  • remove(value: T): Removes the first occurrence of the element with the specified value.

  • clear(): Clears all elements from the array.

  • size(): Integer Returns the number of elements in the list.

  • isEmpty(): Boolean Checks if the list is empty and returns true if it has no elements; otherwise, it returns false.

  • static of(): List<T> Creates and returns an empty list.This class allows you to create and manage lists with elements of a specific data type.

  • contains(Object o): Boolean - Returns boolean depending on whether list contains specified parameter.

  • toArray() - convert List to Array Data Structure


var list = [1, 2, "three",...] // creating a list, able to add and remove

list.add("four"); // now list is [1, 2, "three", "four"]

list.remove(2); // now list is [1,2]

list.contains(1); // returns true

list.clear(); // clears list

Map Literal

A map represented as HashMap<Object, Object>, is a collection that associates unique keys with corresponding values, facilitating efficient retrieval and modification of data based on key references.

HashMaps are especially useful for defining a row in SuiteTable


A { followed by zero or more sets of key : value pairs separated by , and ending with }, e.g. { "one" : 1, "two" : 2, "three" : 3, "more": "many more" }

This syntax creates a HashMap<Object,Object>.

Empty map literal can be specified as {:}


  • create(); Map

Creates an empty map and returns it.

  • add(Map<String, Object> map, String key, Object value): void

adds a key-value pair to map. Returns nothing

  • size(); Integer

Returns number of key-value pairs in map.

  • isEmpty: Boolean

Returns true of map is empty, otherwise returns false.

  • cotainsKey(Object key): Boolean

Returns true if map contains specified key, otherwise returns false.

  • containsValue(Object value): Boolean

Returns true if map contains specified value, otherwise returns false.

  • remove(String key): Object

Removes key from Map and returns the remove value object.

  • keySet(); and values();

Return the keys and values of the map, respectively.


var map = MapUtil.create();

MapUtil.add(map, "name", "steve");
MapUtil.add(map, "age", 40);
MapUtil.add(map, "birthday",;

map.values(); // returns 2023-11-22,steve,40
map.keySet(); // returns birthday,name,age
map.remove("age"); // remove, age from map and returns 40

return map; 

Or you can define map Manually:

var map = {
    "name": "steve",
    "age": 40,