
The NodeInputReader class provides methods to retrieve node input in various formats, such as Files, Tables, and Data objects.


inputAsFile(): File

Gets the node input as a File object.

var fileInput = NodeInputReader.inputAsFile();
// Use the 'fileInput' File object in your code

inputAsDataFrame(page: Integer, limit: Integer): Table

Gets the node input as a Table object that can be queried and read. This method is useful for working with data in a tabular format.


  • page (Integer): The page number for data pagination.

  • limit (Integer): The maximum number of rows to retrieve.

var page = 1;
var limit = 10;
var tableInput = NodeInputReader.inputAsDataFrame(page, limit);
// Use the 'tableInput' Table object in your code

inputAsDataObject(): JsonNode

Gets the node input as a Data object that can be read.

var dataObject = NodeInputReader.inputAsDataObject();
// Use the 'dataObject' JsonNode in your code

inputAsFileIndex(index: Integer): File

Gets the node input as a File object by an index. This is used when there are multiple inputs.


  • index (Integer): The index of the input.

var inputIndex = 0;
var fileInput = NodeInputReader.inputAsFileIndex(inputIndex);
// Use the 'fileInput' File object in your code

inputAsDataFrameIndex(index: Integer, page: Integer, limit: Integer): Table

Gets the node input as a Table object by an index and allows for pagination when working with large datasets. This is used when there are multiple inputs.


  • index (Integer): The index of the input.

  • page (Integer): The page number for data pagination.

  • limit (Integer): The maximum number of rows to retrieve.

var inputIndex = 0;
var page = 1;
var limit = 10;
var tableInput = NodeInputReader.inputAsDataFrameIndex(inputIndex, page, limit);
// Use the 'tableInput' Table object in your code

inputAsDataFrameTotalRows(index: Integer): Integer

Gets the number of parts the DataFrame has by index.


  • index (Integer): The index of the input.

var inputIndex = 0;
var totalRows = NodeInputReader.inputAsDataFrameTotalRows(inputIndex);
// Use the 'totalRows' Integer in your code

inputAsDataFrameTotalRows(): Integer

Gets the number of parts the DataFrame has.

var totalRows = NodeInputReader.inputAsDataFrameTotalRows();
// Use the 'totalRows' Integer in your code

inputAsDataFrameByIndexPartsCount(index: Integer): Integer

Gets the number of parts the DataFrame has by DataFrame index.


  • index (Integer): The index of the DataFrame.

var inputIndex = 0;
var partsCount = NodeInputReader.inputAsDataFrameByIndexPartsCount(inputIndex);
// Use the 'partsCount' Integer in your code

inputAsDataFrame(): Table (Deprecated)

Gets the table object. This method is deprecated and should not be used. Instead, use inputAsDataFrameIndex() with page and limit for more controlled data retrieval.


Example: Get Columns Max Value

Description: This script retrieves the maximum value from the 6th column of an input table.

Use Case: Useful when you need to find the highest value in a specific column of a dataset.

// Get a copy of the table reference from the previous node
var table = NodeInputReader.inputAsDataFrame(0);

//Get a new table sorted by the sixth column descendant (-6 means desc, 6 means asc)
table = table.sortOn(-6);

//Get the values of the 6th column from the first row (Index 0)
var maxValue = table.column(6).get(0);

Example: New Table Filtered

Description: This script filters a table based on a condition, creating a new table with filtered data.

Use Case: Ideal for data preprocessing and filtering based on specific criteria.

//Get a copy of the table reference from the previous node
var table = NodeInputReader.inputAsDataFrame()

//Gets the 4th column as String
var stringColumn = table.stringColumn(4);

//Return a new table with only value: female filtered
return table.where(stringColumn.endsWith("female"));